लड़का, 37 साल
37 साल की उम्र, लड़का

First off if your going to contact me please read this threw before u do . I'm 26 yrs old single father of twin daughters . I'm on this site to create clips n videos . Im not random fuck type of guy , truth be told im a ladies man and a 1 type of women man . I have a friend who's a producer in the porn industry n im puting things together to get my self out there , soo if ur okay with staring in a clip with me lets hear from u , or if u want to get to
know me n date me let's hear from u lol . But I ain't the random fuck type unless somethings coming from it . I would make an section here n there but u get the idea ... Im currently in med school & also training to be an instructor for med school . let me see what eles ..... I can eat the hell outta some p***y , and what ever eles is needed from me .. That's it for now . Thanks , peace

लिंग: लड़का

उम्र: 37 साल की उम्र

देश: अमेरीका

प्रोफाइल कितनी बार देखी गई: 4,843

सब्स्क्राइबर: 29

वीडियो टोटल कितनी बार देखा गया: 73,292

क्षेत्र: California

शहर: Long beach

पर्सनल जानकारी: दिखाएँ

ढूँढे जा रहे हैं: लड़की

संबंध: कुँवारी

बच्चे: हाँ और हम साथ में नहीं रहते हैं

पढ़ाई: Currently in med school

धर्म: अन्य

धूम्रपान: कभी-कभार

शराब पीना: कभी-कभार

वैबकैम: नहीं

साइन अप किया हुआ है: 9 अगस्त 2013 (4,005 दिन पहले)

पिछली एक्टिविटी: 109 दिन पहले

संपर्क करें: Tyler87 से चैट करें

फिजिकल जानकारी: दिखाएँ

नस्ल: गोरी

शरीर: छोटे और गठीले

ऊंचाई: 59.8 in

वजन: 76 kg

बालों की लंबाई: गंजे

बालों का कलर: गेहुआँ

आँखों का कलर: हरी

मेरे बारे में:

First off if your going to contact me please read this threw before u do . I'm 26 yrs old single father of twin daughters . I'm on this site to create clips n videos . Im not random fuck type of guy , truth be told im a ladies man and a 1 type of women man . I have a friend who's a producer in the porn industry n im puting things together to get my self out there , soo if ur okay with staring in a clip with me lets hear from u , or if u want to get to
know me n date me let's hear from u lol . But I ain't the random fuck type unless somethings coming from it . I would make an section here n there but u get the idea ... Im currently in med school & also training to be an instructor for med school . let me see what eles ..... I can eat the hell outta some p***y , and what ever eles is needed from me .. That's it for now . Thanks , peaceऔर दिखाएँ